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6 Sawmill Yard, Blair Atholl
Perthshire, PH18 5TL
VAT Reg:762 0623 48
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Company N° 214929
My feet are unrecognisable
"Thanks for the opportunity to buy the marvellous 'Pedilux'. My feet are unrecognisable after 3 months. For years I have wished that such a system was available - thanks again. "Mrs. M.G. Derby
Pedilux Profi
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The Pedilux Profi is a professional footcare system for home use. The Profi is mains powered and comes with five Swiss precision made genuine sapphire-coated instruments.
Ideal for home use with two speeds and forward and reverse directions. The Profi comes with a 6" wand to reach toes and feet with ease. Comes complete with a strong, long lasting storage case and 1 year guarantee.