Soothing Relief for
Painful Feet & Problem Nails

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6 Sawmill Yard, Blair Atholl
Perthshire, PH18 5TL

VAT Reg:762 0623 48
Registered in Scotland
Company N° 214929

I am able to care for myself
"I must say how delighted I am with Pedilux. I am quite severely disabled and for the first time in my life (45 years) I am able to care for my toe nails myself! In the past, I have always needed help. This machine is fantastic. I would recommend it to anyone "
Mr A.I., Norfolk

Read what people are saying about their experience with Pedilux

These are just a few of the many hundreds of unsolicited testimonials we have received from delighted customers over the past 10 years

My feet and I feel years younger!

Dear Sirs,
Until a Pedilux advert caught my interest, I attended a chiropodist.

I wish to inform you that I am very pleased with my purchase and have enjoyed its versatility.

I am pleasantly surprised and impressed by its easy of use, the speed with which I can achieve the desired results and, by how smooth my feet now are.

Thanks to Pedilux my feet and I feel years younger!

Mrs. M.S., Angus.

My feet were killing me

but now I walk the dog, run quite a large house with no help and even give a hand in the garden without discomfort, as I shall be 86 in December I think that's rather good. I frequently sing the praises of my Pedilux, when asked how I manage to keep going.
A short while ago my limp was so bad people thought I might have had hip operation. So thank you Pedilux.

B.K., Surrey

I am able to care for myself

"I must say how delighted I am with Pedilux. I am quite severely disabled and for the first time in my life (45 years) I am able to care for my toe nails myself! In the past, I have always needed help. This machine is fantastic. I would recommend it to anyone"

Mr A.I., Norfolk

Instant relief

After standing for 8 hours my feet were killing me. Pedilux brought instant relief.

J.S., Inverness

My feet are unrecognisable

Thanks for the opportunity to buy the marvellous 'Pedilux'. My feet are unrecognisable after 3 months. For years I have wished that such a system was available - thanks again.

Mrs. M.G. Derby

I recommended Pedilux to many others

I have used my Pedilux for over 5 years. I treat calluses on my wife's feet and file her toenails. I also use Pedilux on my own finger and toe nails - much quicker and efficiently than using standard scissors and nail file. I would like to say how pleased I am and that I recommended Pedilux to many others

Dr. J.E.R.

Acorn Stairlifts
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