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6 Sawmill Yard, Blair Atholl
Perthshire, PH18 5TL
VAT Reg:762 0623 48
Registered in Scotland
Company N° 214929
I am able to care for myself
"I must say how delighted I am with Pedilux. I am quite severely disabled and for the first time in my life (45 years) I am able to care for my toe nails myself! In the past, I have always needed help. This machine is fantastic. I would recommend it to anyone "Mr A.I., Norfolk
Pedilux Profi
The Pedilux Profi is a complete professional mains powered footcare system to use in the comfort of your own home.
Grinding Cone
The Sapphire Grinding Cone is the most versatile of all the instruments. This tool enables you to remove callouses and hard skin from your feet, toes and fingers.
Oblong Grinder
The Sapphire Oblong Grinder is designed specifically for treating in-grown toe nails.
Felt Polishing Cone
The Felt Polishing Cone is used for smoothing and polishing to the perfect finish.
Coarse Grained Cone
The Coarse Grained Grinding Cone is a rougher version of the standard Grinding Cone for more robust treatment of callouses and hard skin.
Extra Long Grinding Cone
The Extra Long Sapphire Grinding Cone is a larger version of the Sapphire Grinding Cone - almost double in length. Quicker treatment of large areas.